Canvas band with nylon reinforced edge, width 10 mm, make-up 10 m. Czech product, price for 1 m.
Decorative ribbon with inwrought motive, width 25 mm, make-up 20 m. Czech product, price for 1 m.
Canvas ribbon with fishing line in the edge, width 25 mm, roll length 25 m. Czech product, price for 1 m.
Decorative ribbon with metalloplastic yarns, width 10 mm, make-up 10 m. Czech product, price for 1 m.
Decorative ribbon with metalloplastic yarns, width 15 mm, make-up 10 m. Czech product, price for 1 m.
Metallic ribbon with inwrought metalloplastic yarns, width 25 mm, make-up 25 m. Czech product, price for 1 m.
Decorative ribbon with metalloplastic yarns, width 40 mm, make-up 25 m. Czech product, price for 1 m.
Decorative ribbon with inwrought motive made of acetat yarns with fishline in edges, width 25 mm, make-up 25 m. Czech product, price for 1 m.
Decorative ribbon with inwrought motive and wired edges, width 10 mm, make-up 25 m. Czech product, price for 1 m.
Decorative ribbon with inwrought motive and wired edges, width 13 mm, make-up 25 m. Czech product, price for 1 m.
Checked ribbon, width 25 mm, roll 20 m. Spanish product, price for 1 m.
Decorative ribbon with metaloplastic wired edges, width 20 mm, make-up 25 m. Czech product, price for 1 m.